Medorator: The Medical Viva Simulation App

The Medorator App is coming...


It is designed for both undergraduate and post graduate medical professionals who undertake viva voce / oral boards / rigorosum as part of their formal examinations. Each app covers a specific medical specialty and is designed to simulate the examination. The first to be released will be the Spine App.


Each App has over 100 viva’s covering a specific medical subspecialty. The questions are based on the core curriculum for the exit examinations in that specialty (for example the UK FRCS in Trauma and Orthopaedics). The answers are structured as an example of how the doctor could respond. It is anticipated that the user “simulates” the examination whilst using the app by answering the questions before they hear the suggested answer.


The Medorator App is structured into topics for that medial subspecialty. Each topic has a varied number of viva examinations. The content of each viva is hidden from the user but there is a search function at the top right of the homepage should the user wish to try a viva on a specific topic. Alternatively, there is a random viva option at the top of the home page. During a viva, the user can toggle the text on and off. The text size and contrast can be varied according to user preference. Sound is adjusted using the volume control. The images can be scrolled and pinched zoomed according to the user’s preference. Double tapping the image zooms, and repeating this will return the image to its original size. The app works in both portrait and landscape mode as per the user’s preference.


Please note: The use of this app is not a guarantee that the user will pass their examinations. It is meant as a simulation tool to help the user become accustomed to viva voce examinations.